Safeguarding Your Property Has Never Been Easier.
Residential * Homeowners
One "WATERBAG" replaces over 100 sandbags
Protection Made Simple!  Which would you rather set-up?
Until now, sandbags have been the timeless standard product available to safeguard your home and property from rising water. 
It's been said "to innovate, all you need to do is take a look at what needs innovating." 
Sandbagging is an antiquated, arduous, time consuming, backbreaking method of protection.  It is expensive year-after-year,; it is labor intensive and environmentally harsh.  
Keep this out of landfills.
You don't have time to wait for delivery.
At no other time in history has more money, time and public awareness been placed on flood preparedness.  "BE FLOOD ALERT" & BE FLOOD SMART" FEMA's - NFIP national campaign has successfully trickled down to every state, city and community government agency promoting the re-development of outdated emergency action plans.  These plans range from community emergency response teams (CERT) to state wide core curriculum programs (CRS) used by Emergency Management Divisions.  All carry the same message "Be Prepared" and with THE WATERBAG you are not only being prepared, you are being Self Reliant when faced with emergency flood conditions.  This is a simple common sense approach we at THE WATERBAG actively support. 
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We did.
         We asked why?
Time becomes an elusive commodity.....   

While everyone is depending on ...The City or County to announce the available locations where its residents can fill and haul sandbags themselves.

While everyone is spending valuable time... in line for their numerous turns and trips filling these sandbags themselves at the above locations. 

While everyone is frantically trying to procure... Third-party purchase, delivery and set-up of sandbags...

Waterbag customers calmly walk to a shelf in their garage, pull down several WATERBAGS, confidently knowing they have the defensive equivalent of several hundred sandbags in their hands... protection that will be in place, shielding their property before any one else returns with their first load of sandbags. 

The WATERBAG gives you that confidence... Being prepared their way is too little-too late.  Being self-reliant with the WATERBAG  is peace of mind way ahead of time.

When severe storms and the threat of flooding strikes- 
       We found a better way!
© 1998-2019 J. Bee & Associates/Consumer Division.  Tel: 1-818-665-2096
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